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Branding and web design for non profits

We often have the privilege of working with non-profits and are always energized by the process. The reason being, is that non-profits are driven by a cause bigger than themselves. One thing we have seen over and over is that a non-profit’s brand story can start to get hidden, tucked away under the daily grind. When this happens the non-profit’s long term goals and strategy starts to get blurry.

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Hi-Fi UX Wireframe Design

You wouldn’t build a house without looking over every detail on a blueprint. Similarly, when creating a custom website design here at Antistatic, we provide high fidelity or hi-fi wireframes. Why you ask? Because a website starts by giving structure to content.

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Get your brand back in focus

Brand strategy, communications, and marketing are not one-time investments. They aren't tasks that live on your to-do list. In the life of your brand, business or organization you will need to continually evaluate and align your marketing and communication efforts with your vision, values, and goals. Once you've done this, you can measure your successes and failures, then evaluate what changes you need to make to keep moving towards your goals for your company. To help keep things on track, here are a few things to consider.

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Brand vs Logo

We sometimes hear people say ‘brand’ when they might really mean ‘logo.’ In the words of Inigo Montoya “I don’t think that word means what you think it means”. We’re guilty of it too. It’s easy to think of branding as the visual side of a company or organization but that’s only part of it.

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Realistic Project Timelines

At Antistatic we highly value realistic timelines. We strive to be honest about how long a project or task will take. In doing so we often hear things like “If the budget is 10 hours, why will it takes two weeks to finish?” or “My proposal says 4-6 weeks, can you be more specific?”. When you add in client scheduling conflicts, holidays, additional people with diverse opinions, and there can be numerous factors that add to a timeline being drawn out.

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Group consensus is a unicorn named Unanimous

If you work with a team or have ever been part of a team, then you know how difficult it is to get a group consensus. One person has their own agenda, that person hates the color blue, and yet another person doesn’t like the photos that are being used as examples. Are you expecting a unanimous decision from a group? You may as well start an expedition for that magical unicorn.

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Putting the guide in brand guidelines

Creating a consistent brand impression every time a customer or user interacts with you takes intentionality. After investing in a visual rebranding, many times companies skip the important work of outlining the brand guidelines, which help guide the brand’s implementation long term.

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What is the typical website lifespan and how long should they last?

We are often asked “How long should my website last?” and it can be a difficult question as there are many factors to consider. Every business or organization wants to get the most value out of their investment and we consider one of our jobs as your partner to consider all of the options.

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Best practices when creating a physician’s website

It could be someone new to the area, maybe they are seeking the right pediatrician for their first child, or they have been referred by another physician; no matter the reason, potential patients are looking for a physician. In most situations, they will typically go to the web first when looking for information about your medical practice or to find a doctor that meets their needs. Hopefully they find that you have a web presence of some kind. Although if it doesn't provide answers to their questions, they will most likely leave your website never to return. How can you ensure they find the information they need and stick around? Here are some good practices to follow:

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Still have budget for end-of-year marketing investments? Consider website enhancements to improve your user experience and traffic.

The budget year is coming to a close - time to plan your end-of-year spending! Many of our clients need to take advantage of their entire yearly budget and here are some smart ways you can improve your web experience and ultimately improve your web platform long-term.

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