From time to time we must all take stock and assess our business or organizational goals. When it comes to your website, here are some important tips to remember...
As you add content to your website, it is important to ensure the site is receiving good marks for technical SEO, page load/speed, user accessibility, and visual design. We recommend that each month you review the content of your website and look for anything that may be outdated or in need of a little TLC. This is a great opportunity to look for ways to introduce new content that would be helpful or attract new users. Beyond this, we suggest that you review your analytics and site console to ensure everything is in tip-top shape.
While doing regular website audits and reviews, you will find ways to iterate on the content, design, and features of the website, improving the overall user experience. The changes may be minor or there may be large scale redesign or feature enhancements that need to be developed. Whatever the case, don't worry. A website should always be improving through new content, features, and beyond.
One thing to keep an eye on is your website's infrastructure. Are there any server updates that need to be addressed? How is the security of the hosting? Will our domain and SSL certificate auto-renew? Is our web site's content management system (CMS) up to date? These may be outside your comfort zone but it is good to ask these questions or partner with someone who can look after them for you.
When it comes to your website's content management system like Craft CMS or ExpressionEngine, you'll want to ensure that the core system is up-to-date as well as any plug-ins or add-ons. You may find that there are some major system updates available, for example, maybe your site is running Craft 2 (which is no longer supported as of January 31, 2020) and you need to upgrade to Craft 3. Or maybe you are running an older version of ExpressionEngine like EE 3 and want to update to the latest version of EE5. Whatever the case may be, we can help plan and execute the update or migration and keep your site going strong.
As you assess your goals, both online and offline, send us a message or call us today and let us know how we can help.
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