Earlier this summer, Antistatic has the privilege of rebranding a veteran’s aid organization.
America owes a great debt to the men and women who have served their country. With seveal family members involved in different branches of the military, and with our company being based in the Air Force town of Dayton, Ohio, we wanted to give back to a veteran's aid organization who is doing a lot of good. VOIEF helps Veterans who served in Operations Desert Storm, Iraqi/Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn and any future conflicts in those regions, who need assistance with food, utilities, and housing. VOIEF offers assistance with no repayment responsibility.
We partnered with VOIEF to update their branding and website on a very tight timeline. As part of the effort, we provided several concepts for the updated logo, marketing material, and a new website. The previous branding featured a ribbon similar to the yellow ribbons used during the Gulf conflicts in support of our troops. This was a key element and they wanted it to stand out in the new branding.
Alternate Logo Concepts
Ready to talk about your branding or website project? Take a moment and tell us all about it.