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Antistatic and eecoder have enjoyed a great relationship with International Relief & Development (IRD), working with their communications team on a various initiatives. This summer, they approached us with a unique challenge. They needed to create an annual report, but didn't want a stale old brochure. After reviewing the content, tossing around ideas, and determining the best solution; we set out to create 2011 inReview - The Annual Report Website of IRD.

The site tells the story of International Relief & Development's work around the globe from disaster relief to stabilization projects like clean water and road development. It also reinforces their excellent financial stewardship - 91% of every dollar goes out toward relief and development projects. Throughout the site, we've highlighted these projects as well as success stories, the amazing partners and donors who make it all possible, their official financial reports, and the leadership team.

We are very honored to work with such a great organization making such a positive impact in our world. We hope you take some time to get antiquated with IRD and consider getting involved in their work.

International Relief and Development annual report website

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